Contributions raised through the Employee Payroll, Business, and Residential Campaigns for United Way of Becker County are used to provide grants to agencies and organizations throughout Becker County that improve the quality of life for children, adults, seniors, the disabled, and families. Only 501(c)(3) agencies providing programming or services in Becker County are eligible for funding.
United Way of Becker County reviews grant applications on an annual basis to coincide with its campaign year. Applications are accepted online only between February 15 and May 1 each calendar year. Applications received late will not be considered. Funding decisions are made by the board of directors for United Way of Becker County, and applicants are notified of funding decisions by July 1.
Application Requirements and Instructions.
Create ONE pdf file containing the following documents and upload using the form below:
Completed United Way Funding Application
Signed Partnership Agreement
Signed Certification of Anti-Terrorism Compliance Measures
Current IRS 990 or 990EZ
Current list of your organization's board of directors
Agency brochure
Photos of programming (may send digital copies to [email protected])
All documents must be RECEIVED (not postmarked) by 5:00 p.m. on May 1 of each year. If May 1 falls on a Saturday or Sunday, then the next working day constitutes the application deadline.